Another option is create your own clan banner by going inside your fortress and OSRS Gold selecting some of the following banners dragon, lion crown, tree, heart, bag of gold, empty yellow, empty red, empty blue, empty white, and zamorak, guthix and saradomin. You can also can have custom, where you are provided with a toolkit, and you are able to click any of these banners to customize them.
This whole thing is completely free because you can't gain an advantage. Barricades of any size or turrets will be put on the opposite side of the field.
It is possible that you are asking, "Why do you have so many turrets and barricades?" Barricades and turrets can be easily altered, which can result in you being beat up when you quit your fortress. You can also remove your fortress. We would appreciate your feedback and support. Thanks for readin'!
This seems so obvious to me... but I don't see it posted anywhere so I will proceed to do it! I have 230 QP's at the moment, which means I have done the majority of quests in RS. I'd find it simpler to not need to scroll through the quests constantly to check which quests are still open.
In essence, I'd like to propose a couple of filters on the bottom of the Quest List: Show All This will show the list to the current. Show Unfinished - Only shows red or yellow quests. Show Completable shows only completed or unfinished quests you've got the levels to Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold complete